Main objectives of the project
The main objective of the project is to train educators from selected universities (e.g. partners are training other partners in this project) in the field of functional programming (FP) and closely related areas of informatics that this trained university staff then will contribute to the increasing of the level of education at their home university. Partners train other partners in selected area of FP by sharing their research results and using their (specific) teaching experience and methods. We expect novel knowledge to be taught in all theoretical levels.
Partner | City and Country | Contact person |
Stichting Katholieke Universiteit | Nijmegen, NL | prof. Pieter Koopman and prof. Rinus Plasmeijer |
Universitatea Babes Bolyai | Cluj-Napoca, RO | prof. Lehel Csató |
Plovdivski Universitet Paisiy Hilendarski | Plovdiv, BG | assoc. prof. Elena Somova |
Technicka Univerzita v Kosiciach | Kosice, SK | Csaba Szabó |
Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem | Budapest, HU | Viktória Zsók |
Universidade do Minho | Braga, PT | prof. João Saraiva |
Universidade de Coimbra | Coimbra, PT | prof. João Paulo Fernandes |
Sveuciliste u Rijeci - Tehnicki Fakultet | Rijeka, HR | Tihana Galinac Grbac |
Universiteit van Amsterdam | Amsterdam, NL | Dr Clemens Grelck |
Timeline of project activities
In the following, you can find the timeline of our project activities: transnational project meetings (TPM), trainings and schools (C) and multiplier events (E).
First transnational project meeting, Košice
We started the implementation of our project in Košice. In the home of the beneficiary of the project, we had to kick-off the project implementation by re-stating milestones.
Teacher training Amsterdam
Our first short-term staff training was organized by our partner at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. We had an intensive training through the whole week.
More3CO Winter school Košice
The first intensive learning program was situated in Košice, Slovakia. All week long, there were lectures and labs for students and their teachers organized. Every day, one or two topics were taught including the newest knowledge in the related research area.
Winter school web page at the organizerSecond transnational project meeting, Rijeka
Our mid-term meeting was organized with the aim to meet a place for future multiplication. Our partner from Rijeka presented the possiblities of organising an event next to the town (in Opatija). Reporting and re-scheduling for the second project-year was also done. A very productive meeting that we had there.
Teacher training Nijmegen
At the second short-term training at the Radboud Univeristy Nijmegen, we learned a lot about functional programming in Clean language, especially about programming of IoT devices using the mTask framework.
AgendaFirst multiplier event, Opatija
We dedicated two days to our first multiplier event at the MIPRO Convention. The schedule consisted of face-to-face discussions and presentations of the project representatives. We also gave the oppotrunity to our guests to be part of the schedule and present their own work. This structure was aimed to find new cooperation partners for upcoming projects. The two hotels, Admiral and Grand Adriatic, we a perfect place to meet lots of scientists and people from the indistry.
ProgrammeCEFP 2019 Summer school, Budapest
The second intensive learning programme of the project was helt in Budapest, Hungary. Five days of focusing on comprehension, composition and correcteness of software. Besides presentations of project members on intelelctual outputs, we also had lecturers from Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Croatia and the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea.
Summer school web page at the organizerSecond multiplier event, Budapest
The second multiplier event was organized by the partner Eotvos Lorand University. There were presentations of all project partners. The presentations covered all topics of all Intellectual outputs of the project.
See MoreThird transnational project meeting, Budapest
The last project meeting. We met in Budapest to discuss project closure preparation and todos. The planning for a future project of the partnership started. Dissemination plans and required schedule were created.
Intellectual outputs
Dissemination activities and documents
Csaba Szabó, Project presentation (in Slovak language), in hotel Jazmin, Kosice, Slovakia, 23.1.2018.
- Link:
- Presentation (in Slovak)
Csaba Szabó, Is Your Software Development Process Green?, TEWI Coloqium presentation in Klagenfurt, Austria, 7.2.2018.
Csaba Szabó, Emira Mustafa Moamer Alzeyani, Measuring Energy Efficiency of Selected Working Software, presentation at the 12th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 14 – 17, 2018.
Csaba Szabó, Emira Mustafa Moamer Alzeyani, Measuring Energy Efficiency of Selected Working Software, Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Informatica, [S.l.], v. 63, n. 1, p. 5-16, june 2018. ISSN 2065-9601.
Csaba Szabó, Selected Topics in Green Software Engineering, presentation at the 3in Carpathian Basin Conference - Software technologies and cybersecurity, BBKÖZpont, Martonvásár, Dózsa György út 13, Hungary, 11-12 July 2018.
Clemens Grelck, Zoltán Porkoláb (Eds.) Technical Report of the Teacher Training in Amsterdam, realised in the frame of the project.
Stefan Korecko, Project-Based Approach to Teaching Event-Driven Simulation, 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, CROATIA, MAY 20-24, 2019, pp. 1604-1608
Csaba Szabo, Software Evolution and Profiling in a Competitive Environment, 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, CROATIA, MAY 20-24, 2019, pp. 1599-1603
Csaba Szabo, How Green is Your Software?, invited lecture at the SSE - Software and Systems Engineering workshop of the 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, CROATIA, MAY 20-24, 2019.
- Link:
- Slides
Csaba Szabó, Viktoria Zsók, Elena Somova Focusing software engineering education on composability and comprehensibility, International Conference on Information Technology and Development of Education. - Novi Sad (Serbia) : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, pp. 222-226. - ISBN 978-86-7672-322-5
- Links:
- Proceedings
Nikolay Kasakliev, Elena Somova, Margarita Gocheva, Green Mobile Application Development through Software Localization, International Journal on Information Technologies and Security, No. 4 (vol. 11), 2019, pp. 3-16.
- Links:
- Web of Science
- Journal page
CEEPUS, Green Software Engineering (GSE) at the Department of Computational Science, Eszterházy Károly University, Eger, Hungary. Target student group: BA or MA or PhD students with at least basic programming and testing experience. Content of the 6 hours teaching is based on the intellectual outputs of the Erasmus+ project No. 2017-1-SK01-KA203-035402.
CEFP 2019 summer school dissemination in LNCS vol. 11950. A total of 11 papers on 393 pages.